Monday, July 20, 2015

The journey begins

Wondercon is no more...

I have been attending Wondercon since I was a kid. I began my love for comics as a kid walking the floor with my brother and dad for many years at Wondercon. It was always something too look forward to! I would get to spend the entire day in Oakland (and later San Francisco) with fellow nerds who loved comics as much as I did! Fast forward to 2011, me and my friends Jeremy and Brian finally did a three day weekend event of Wondercon in San Francisco. It was all the fun I ever wanted it to be! We were set to make it a yearly tradition. Then 2012 happened and no Wondercon in San Francisco. This sort of made sense since the place they usually have the con was being remodeled. It has now been 3 years and Wondercon has yet to return to the bay area in any form. It has been in Anaheim the last 3 years with no signs of ever coming back to the bay area. I grew up in the bay area and often have asked myself why is there no yearly huge comic book convention? Sure you have your BIG WOW (which I quite enjoy) but why can't the bay area (SF, Oakland, San Jose, etc..) be worthy of the comic con it deserves?

I hope to have the answer to that in 2016: Silicon Valley Comic Con

So far there isnt a great amount of details know.

Here is what we do know:

It will be located at the San Jose at the San Jose Convention Center on March 19-20

Steve Wozinak and Stan Lee are the big names involved 

SVCC plans on inviting both Hollywood celebrities and tech leaders involved in movies, TV, music, gaming, electronics, apps and emerging technologies.

And a quote from SVCC founder Mr. Wozniak: "In life, the most important thing is to have fun, and Silicon Valley Comic Con will be the place to experience all your favorite things at one great show," said Wozniak. "Today, technology is pop culture, in Silicon Valley and around the globe. Entertainment and innovation inspire and bring so much joy to the world, and I’m so excited that we will showcase both at Silicon Valley Comic Con. It’s finally the Age of the Geek, and we’re ready to celebrate!"

Stay tuned to The Road to Silicon Valley Comic Con as we will update as we learn more leading up to the day of the Con!


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